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We've said a great "Amen" to conclude the Eucharistic prayer. We're moving toward the table. But first we begin with the Lord's Prayer, the prayer all Christians share, the prayer that marks all kinds of moments.
What it Means to be Liturgical
In this age of liturgical renewal on the one hand, and support for entertainment evangelism and church growth "gimmicks" on the other, being labeled "liturgical" can be either an honor or an accusation. However, few people really understand what it means to be liturgical, in the best sense of the word.
Bodies - 10th Article in Rimbo series
We sometimes say it so quickly that there is hardly time to think: "I believe in.. . the resurrection of the body." What a remarkable statement that is! What a confession to make! Unlike some religions, even unlike some Christian interpretations, we think that bodies are important enough to be raised from the dead.
Celebrate! - Invitation to Contemporary Worship
This is an invite image that was used and can be used to invite members of the congregation to contemporary worship. Use this to create your own Church's invitations.
Worship - Sing! Article in Rimbo Series
As we come now to Holy Week and the Great Three Days I remind you that human beings turn to song at the high points and low points of their lives. Song makes both joy and sorrow bearable. All human cultures (except maybe our own) have thus had traditional songs to sing on the happiest occasions and the saddest.
Worship - Peace (Article in Rimbo Series)
...we say to others in the pew, alongside, in front, in back. "Peace," we say, and if you are my age perhaps you think of Woodstock, middle-class American kids costumed in cast-off clothing singing antiwar ballads. If you are older perhaps you think of Normandy and Tom Brokaw's "greatest generation." If you are any age these days you think of Iraq. In this world what does it mean for the assembly to say "Peace."
Liturgy Planning
Use this form for preparing liturgy for upcoming services including: the occasion, lessons hymns, musicians and worship leaders.
Prayer Concern Offering Cards
Prayer Cards were printed on 4"x5" purple notecards. The back sides are the usual blue and pink lined notecards for the listing of prayer concerns.
Hymn Festival of the Land
This worship service takes the form of a hymn festival, alternating the singing of hymns with scripture readings and prayers. The hymns are taken from the many voices of those who live on this land, both hymns brought with them and those written on this land. This land of God's creation, never empty, is becoming fuller of more and more voices and cultures. Let us work in the Spirit that all voices be raised to God in praise. (As is tradition, each hymn is identified by the name of its tune).
Rogation Sunday Service
Welcome everyone to our Rogation Service, Rogation comes from the Latin "rogare" which means to beseech. And so, today we beseech God's blessing for the seed, for the soil, for those who labor in the fields and for all of God's creation . . . this includes you. May God bless and keep you during the coming year. A special welcome to our guests. We're glad you are worshipping with us this morning.
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