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Etiqueta: service
Rogation Sunday Service
Welcome everyone to our Rogation Service, Rogation comes from the Latin "rogare" which means to beseech. And so, today we beseech God's blessing for the seed, for the soil, for those who labor in the fields and for all of God's creation . . . this includes you. May God bless and keep you during the coming year. A special welcome to our guests. We're glad you are worshipping with us this morning.
Rogation Sunday Service
This Service has been prepared by Pastors Ruth and Dick Schaefer, Coordinators of the Farm Advocacy Resource Ministries of the Northeast Pennsylvania Synod. The service is intended for Urban, Suburban, Town and Country congregations. This Service may be celebrated on the 6th Sunday after Easter. Or, if you wish at an early time in the Spring when the planting of the fields has begun.
What is Rogation Sunday?
Rogation Sunday, a time of celebration and prayer, is a time set aside to appreciate and recognize our dependence upon the land for our food and most importantly upon our dependence of God for the miracles of sprouting seeds, growing plants, and maturing harvest. The service is intended for Urban, Suburban, Town and Country congregations. This Service may be celebrated on the 6th Sunday after Easter. Or, if you wish at an early time in the Spring when the planting of the fields has begun.
Blessing of Fields
Leader: Today we seek God's blessing on these seeds and the crops they will produce. Christ reminds us that, unless the seed is planted in the earth and dies, it will not yield fruit. As these seeds grow and are cared for, may they be signs of the new life that comes from God.
Service of Farewell to the Farm
It came to us that there should be an occasional service of a "funeral" for the grieving persons who have lost the farm or at least have to leave the farm for other work. We are sending this service to you for use in your synod, diocese, district, institution or parishes.
A day of Thanksgiving and Praise - Hymnal Switch
Guided and nurtured by God’s love, our mission is to extend fellowship, serve our community, and spread God’s Word.
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Brothers and sisters in Christ: We have come together to seek God's blessing as we set apart this ground for the building of a church.
Expansion Groundbreaking
Brothers and sisters in Christ: We have come together to seek God's blessing as we set apart this ground for the expansion of the church. May this be a place where your glory dwells and where your way is revealed in Word and Sacrament. May your gracious blessing descend like the dew from heaven upon this place and upon all who shall gather here to worship you.
Member Appreciation Sunday
This can be used on Member Appreciation Sunday. "Teach us, O God, to listen to new ideas, to be open to new ways of being church, while still respecting the old ways and ideas. Help us to trust that You will walk our journey with us. Help us to continue our journey in joyful anticipation of transformation."
A Liturgy of Trust - Gospel of Matthew
The message should relate to God's direction and guidance as illustrated in the scriptural passages. The Lord calmed Joseph in the midst of his pain and confusion at his wife's seeming betrayal of him, and revealed to him part of the wondrous plan God had in store for Joseph and his family.
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