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Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI
Lent and Baptism Mirror Image
At Immanuel Lutheran Church, the Baptismal Font was the focal point in the narthex during the Lenten season. Suspended above the font was a mirror with directions displayed below it for the worshiper to follow.
Hanging of the Greens
This prayer can be used when doing the Hanging of the Greens.
Church Trust
The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church is called by God to be a living witness to God's love and concern for the world. God is the giver of all gifts and we who receive them are called to be good stewards of all that comes from God. We are not to hoard God's gifts and God's gifts are not intended to enrich the church, but to be used to do God's work in the world. When Jesus spoke of that work, he said: "… the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news brought to them." (Luke 7:22 NRSV)
Pledge of Financial Support
A Pledge of Financial Support image used to have members of the Church join or renew their pledge commitment.
Time and Talent Surveys
Included inside are variations from four churches! Please assist the church by completing a "Time and Talent Survey" for each member in your household grade eight and above. Return it to the church at your earliest convenience. Thank you! As skills or volunteers are needed, categories or activities will be retrieved. Perhaps some of the items you mark will never be called forth; should this be the case, please know that your willingness is still greatly appreciated. You never know when the church may be in need of one of the items you checked!
Malawi Hunger Appeal Bookmarks
As 2005 ends, the country of Malawi, along with other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, finds itself in the midst of a hunger crisis. To respond to this crisis, Immanuel Lutheran Church and congregations of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, in a Companion Synod relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi, are making a hunger appeal. This card can be used as a bookmark or Christmas ornament to make a life-saving gift in honor of a loved one or friend.
Prayer Cards
The H3 (Holy, Happy & Healthy) Group at Immanuel received business-card sized laminated cards with different topics to pray about. Some members keep them at home and use them as devotion flash cards - flipping through the cards and saying a short prayer about each topic. Other members have them in their car and use them for prayer topics while driving.
Ribbons for Lent
Members of the Youth Group at Immanuel Lutheran Church made these ribbons for use by the congregation during the 2004 Lenten season to describe the lenten theme: Journey to the Neighbor. Journey to the neighbor is two fold: a physical journey, across the street or as far as Malawi, and a journey of the heart from self centered to being centered on God and the neighbor.
Malawi (Chichewa) Table Prayer
Immanuel Lutheran Church is bringing their companion synod, Malawi, closer to home during the upcoming Lenten season. During the "Lenten Soup Suppers" these table tents will be used for the table prayers. Enough tents were made so that members can take one home to use for their meal prayers.
Salvation Scramble
Rules and explanation of the game Salvation Scramble.
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