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Bishop Robert Rimbo, SE Michigan Synod
We've said a great "Amen" to conclude the Eucharistic prayer. We're moving toward the table. But first we begin with the Lord's Prayer, the prayer all Christians share, the prayer that marks all kinds of moments.
Bodies - 10th Article in Rimbo series
We sometimes say it so quickly that there is hardly time to think: "I believe in.. . the resurrection of the body." What a remarkable statement that is! What a confession to make! Unlike some religions, even unlike some Christian interpretations, we think that bodies are important enough to be raised from the dead.
Worship - Sing! Article in Rimbo Series
As we come now to Holy Week and the Great Three Days I remind you that human beings turn to song at the high points and low points of their lives. Song makes both joy and sorrow bearable. All human cultures (except maybe our own) have thus had traditional songs to sing on the happiest occasions and the saddest.
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