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Libbie Reinking
Spiritual Formation Weblog for 24/7/365 Adults
When we talk about growing in our faith and spending time in the word and with each other in Bible Study and worship and prayer and just sharing God stuff going on in our lives, many of us cringe at the thought – first and foremost because we don’t have time! When we have our own busy schedules piled on top with the schedules of our families – kids, spouses, friends – it’s a wonder sometimes that we even have time to sleep at night. The truth is, we yearn for meaning because we often struggle to connect our faith and what goes on in the world around us. When we try so hard to live a God-worthy life, to be a follower of Christ who shares God’s love and blessing, but then we go out into the world and the experiences we encounter don’t match up with what we hear in worship or read in the Bible, the gap widens between our faith and the world. When we are drawn into a relationship with the biblical text, our reflection on the text allows us to see God at work in our own lives. We call those “God Sightings.” When we dwell in the word and help each other to name and claim our own God sightings, we bridge the gap between faith and experience. The living Word then brings purpose to our lives, deepens our faith and compels us to continue to be followers of Christ who share God’s love and blessings. So here’s an opportunity to go online and spend as much or as little time as you have to engage in faith matters. To draw near to God and each other – yes, community can be built on the internet! So surf around the site and use the tools to help you deepen your faith and relationship with God. Come, be still and……. let God surprise you!
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This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.