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Tag: administration
Contributions Computer Security Basics Concerned about identity theft, data loss, other computer security issues? This one-page resource provides some basic advice. Funeral Home Planning A two page outline/resource to help the pastor help the family as they begin the funeral planning process. Recognition of Sunday School Teachers In the spring (Palm Sunday) our church has a potluck at noon for all members of the church. The Sunday School sings a number and then we eat. After eating, the Sunday School teachers and staff are called up and recognized with a special gift. They are also first in line to eat…not the kids unless part of the teacher's family. It's a great appreciation time for all and teaching is a week after week responsibility that deserves our recognition. Sunday School Handbook Sunday School and Christian Education is such an important part of a child's development. Therefore, the Church strives to provide a well-rounded emphasis in teaching the love and will of god to our students. At the same time, we encourage children to spread and shave God's love and will with others. Vital Signs of the Sunday School A checklist and questionnaire to help you make sure the Church's Sunday School program is the best that it can be. Fall Teacher Appreciation A Sunday School teacher was asked by one of her students, "What is it like to be a Christian?" The teacher replied, "It is like being a pumpkin. Ways To Thank Sunday School Teachers Fun ways to say "thank you" to Sunday school teachers and staff. Attach a provided note to an item or gift, and watch the smiles of your Sunday School staff! Better yet, brainstorm your own ideas - and then share! Sunday School Teacher's Appreciation Dinner The theme of the event was "Angels". All Sunday School teachers and youth leaders were invited. The evening began with punch served in the Narthex. Matching an angel picture/puzzles served as an ice breaker and partners to eat with. The brief "program" consisted of a few words from the pastor, a few words from the council Vice chairperson, presentation of gifts, (pens with a guardian angel on top.) and a music video tribute to Sunday School teachers.
Sunday School Tips Uuseful tips to help out Sunday School teachers each year both for individual classes but the whole program as a group, too. Vision and Mission Statement Our Lord's Lutheran Church is a community of Christians called together by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God's grace gives each person dignity and value. We witness through worship, education, service, and fellowship to make God's new creation of hope, compassion, community and commitment, a reality within the human family. |