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Tag: advent
Contributions Infancy Narrative according to Matthew A four-part skit series based on Matthew 1 & 2, with two actors portraying Joseph and an angel. Appropriate for mid-week worship services during Advent, Year A. In Bethlehem This Christmas play was first produced and performed at Peace Lutheran in Poplar, WI in Advent of 2005. The play attempts to show that the Nativity is told from both Luke’s and Matthew’s perspectives. Also the prophecy of Micah tells people how important Bethlehem has been to God’s people since the time of King David WAITING, WAITING A Song and Service for Lighting the Candles in the Advent Wreath, By Donald F. Marsh. Guidelines: This song and service may be used on successive Sundays in Advent for lighting the candles in the Advent wreath. The themes used here for the four Sundays in Advent are LOVE, HOPE, PEACE and JOY. Advent Gospel Song Before the reading of the Gospel, during Advent, we use the following, sung to the tune
"Open My Eyes, That I May See" (The Other Song Book #159). Preparing the Manger An Advent Observance in two parts, written by Jons Olsson, 12/95; updated 12/96. Part 1: 4th Sunday in Advent; done between the Epistle and Gospel Lessons. Part 2: Christmas Eve; Candlelight Service; done after the closing hymn Silent Night, Holy Night sung while candles are lighted. Church lights remain off/dimmed; candlelight prevails. The Advent Blessing Tree This should be used when lighting advent candles. Sunday School classes and individuals can prepare items to be hung from a BLESSING TREE. These can include some larger symbols recognizable from a distance, and smaller items from individuals. Congregation members may be asked to place "their blessings" on the tree. The traditional PROPHECY, BETHLEHEM, SHEPHERDS' AND ANGELS' CANDLES ARE LIGHTED IN THE USUAL ORDER. Advent Reading ADVENT READING for the First Sunday In Advent (Prophet Candle). Introduction The first Advent candle is traditionally called the Prophecy Candle. We rejoice that God prepares our lives through prophecy to receive Christ when he comes. The words from Isaiah 9:2-7 prepare us to receive Christ as the child who comes to us in Bethlehem. Isaiah's words also prepare us to receive Christ when he comes again in power. At that time he will fulfill the promise to be Prince of Peace and Wonderful Counselor for all times and there will truly be no end to his gracious kingdom. Advent Candle Liturgy - Based on the "O Antiphons" 1st Sunday in Advent, based on the "O Antiphons." Verse 1 of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" LBW 34 is sung. Introduction The first candle we light today reminds us that Christ is "Emmanuel"; which means "God with us". We praise God that through Christ he is with us; and we anticipate that, in his return, Christ will bring God's presence to us in a powerful and glorious way, which we can not even imagine. The first advent candle is lit as the text is read. Advent Candle Liturgy - Waiting, Preparation, Joy, Light Advent is a time for waiting; for Christmas programs and parties, for food and presents, for family members to come home for Christmas. Advent reminds us that we are also waiting for God to come to us, God in the form of the baby Jesus, who lived and died and rose for us. We wait for God, who will come again in a new and surprising way. We light the first candle to remind us to wait. The candle is lit. |