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Tag: baptism
Celebrating a Child's Baptismal Annniversary: For Parents and Godparents
This is a sheet to introduce you to ways of celebrating baptismal anniversaries with your child or godchild. On the date of their baptism, you can use any of the following ideas or make up your own to celebrate their special day, just as you would their birthday.
Baptismal Service
This is done at the beginning of the service following announcements and opening hymn.
Celebrating Baptism
Tips and techniques for celebrating the baptism of a young person.
Service of Baptismal Renewal
This can be used for a Baptismal Renewal Service. Through Baptism we are incorporated by the Holy Spirit into God's new creation and made to share in the priesthood of all believers. One in Christ Jesus, with joy and thanksgiving, we are members together of the household of God. Sisters and Brothers: Remember your Baptism and be thankful!
Baptismal Banners
Every time there is a baptism, a baptismal banner is made. Each banner is unique in style and personalized with person's name and date of baptism. The banner is hung in the church the day of the baptism and is presented to the family as a gift from the congregation.
Congregational Baptismal Certificate
This Baptism certificate, with additional signature sheets, is put on a clip board and passes around the congregation during the worship service and is signed by everyone who is in attendance. This is given to the child's family along with the regular baptism certificate as a momento of the baptism. We print it on linen paper.
Baptism in Malawi
This video clip shows Bishop Bvumbwe and several other pastors baptizing infants in a rural congregation.
Martin Luther's Seven Marks of the Church
“ A seven year-old-child knows what the church is, namely, holy believers and sheep who hear the voice of their Shepherd.” Martin Luther
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.