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Tag: children
Policy for the Protection of Children
Parma Lutheran Church’s purpose for establishing this Policy for the Protection of Children, accompanying procedures, and behavior standards is to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all our children and youth.
Making Worship Meaningful for Children
When the Sunday morning worship service includes young children who need to know that God loves them, congregations may find it challenging. Young children can benefit greatly from participation in Sunday morning worship. On the other hand, children who become bored or noisy make it difficult for others in the congregation to focus on their own worship. There is no simple answer; but to help make worship more meaningful for young children in your congregation, try these simple, practical suggestions.
The Child in the Pew
Children giggle, they poke, and they swing their legs simply because they are children. But they also sing, pray and give with us. So this little pamphlet is written to suggest that we adults should accept - even value - a child's restlessness during worship trusting that they are also learning
The Child in the Pew - Welcome
As you look around you will see that children are an important part of our worshipping community. Their presence grows out of our commitment to incorporate children in the life and mission of The Church and to nurture them in a growing relationship with God. Here are some helpful hints for preparing children to worship in the sanctuary.
Children's Books for the Liturgical Year
A list of books, printing companies and ISBN codes that can be used during the Liturgical Year.
Discipleship includes , , , asking hard questions about . . .
"Books written for children are usually affirmative. . . there is passionate concern for the broken, the lost, the hurt. All my life through stories, those I read and those I write, I have been building (intuitively, rather than consciously) a theology."
Caring for Kids
Caring for Kids is a project that will assist our companions, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM), in caring for the increasing number of orphans in Malawi. In Caring for Kids, prayers will be a focal point of the project. People in the NW Synod of Wisconsin will make a simple, child sized quilt and a tote bag to carry it in.
Resources for Talking with Children About the Tragedy
These are general resources that can be used by parents, teachers, and other caregivers to help children through these difficult days. The following websites have useful information.
Youth and Children's Ministry Handbook
The Youth and Children's Ministry Handbook file SHOULD be modified by each user to incorporate local and state laws. As such, and because of the complex formatting it used, we have only shown the first few pages without attempting to pretty up the formatting issues when converting to HTML. This does include the Table of Contents page which will give you a very good idea of what you will be working with in this document.
Nursery Attendant
Position description/job description for nursery attendants.
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