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Tag: congregation
Contributions Our Vaction Bible School Story "Our children are our best evangelists. They are not afraid to talk
about God and Church to their friends." The following are excerpts from a letter to our synod office. We think it provides some great insights into an effective Vacation Bible School program and philosophy. - Resource Center Staff Getting the Word Out About Your Congregation There are many ways in which your congregation can make its presence known in your community. The following list contains some ideas and suggestions. Place an X next to the items which your congregation currently uses. Place an A next to the items which you could use. Welcome to Prince of Peace: A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America We are glad you are here! In the following pages, let us introduce ourselves and tell you a little about our ministry. Consider this your Prince of Peace Owner's Manual!
You will find answers to many ways God is active here. This is a helpful guide, but not an exhaustive list of all of our ministries. We are constantly surprised by God and open to what is just around the corner. So may the fun begin! Valentines for a Congregation On Sunday, close to Valentines Day, the Sunday School children made and decorated Valentines and taped Hershey© Kisses to the front cover. During the church service the kids sang and then distributed a Valentine to everyone there. Mentoring Program You are beginning a confirmation process that will lean more heavily on your personal faith experience and your relationship with another Christian than it does on textbooks, classrooms and other traditional approaches to education. Friends in Faith Projects We hope that your preparations to celebrate once again the birth of the Christ child will include the gathering of your Friends in Faith small group. we will reviewe our own worship practices as Lutherans, and then invite you and your friend in faith to visit 2 other worship services: one Roman Catholic mass, and one other non-Lutheran service of your choice. Friends in Faith Spring Letter We thank all of our adult friends in faith for your willingness to be a mentor for these young people during their high school years. All recent studies of how best to hand on the faith to the next generation emphasize the crucial role adult mentors play in helping our young people figure out how to be faithful in a very complex world. Friends in Faith Invitation Letter Our Friends in Faith program is up and running again! What? You’ve never heard of such a thing? And if you have, you thought it always started in the spring! We’re glad you asked. In addition to walking up to someone on Sunday morning and asking them to explain why they were a friend in faith, we thought it might be helpful to share a few of the highlights of our program. Friends in Faith Parent Letter After the Pastor and families of 9th grades have discussed and outlined the Friends in Faith program, a letter like this could be sent to the parents to recap what was brought up at the meetings and any date changes that may have come up. Lenten Mentor/Youth Guide An example of a six week guide for Lenten Mentors and youth. Each week has it's own theme and included are questions that can be used during each week, as well as a closing prayer. |