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Tag: easter
Contributions Vigil of Easter Presider: Dear friends in Christ, we have begun our solemn vigil.
Let us now listen attentively to the Word of God, recalling how our God saved Israel throughout history and, in the fullness of time, sent the only Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer. Through this Easter celebration, may God bring to completion the saving work already begun in us by the divine mercy. Let us attend to the Word of God. The Great Easter Vigil What was done: The first year this was done, members of Emmanuel, High Point and the associate pastor planned and led the Easter Vigil for Holy Saturday evening concluding with Holy Communion at the Easter Sunrise service. The second year, pastors and congregations from the High Point area were invited to join together and planned an ecumenical Vigil worship. Traditions represented were: Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Reformed and Baptist; lay and ordained people were worship leaders, including youth and adults. An Easter Carol This is a familiar tune with new lyrics. "God bless you merry sinner!" Tune: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Easter in the Southern Hemisphere We in southern Brazil use the same symbols as used in northern hemisphere, i.e., Easter bunny, eggs, sun, light, since it is not a matter of nature timing anymore, like Spring or Falls, but a matter of gift of God. We teach to children (as well for adults) that at the beginning, Easter was a farmers feast, at the beginning of a new harvest. |