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Tag: prayer
Our Story, God's Story: An Adventure in Prayer
A four-day vacation Bible school program that integrates "story-linking" and prayer practices. This program is easily adapted to small congregations with a wide range of ages.
Lord's Prayer in Lessons for Children 6-8
A 6-week sunday school lesson teaching children ages 6-8 the Lord's Prayer through integrative learning activities, scripture, questions, etc. Lord's Prayer, Sunday school lessons
Flood Litany
Flood Litany. Adapted from the Great Litany by Rev. David H. Carlson. Written after first week of flood fighting at Fort Ransom, ND Used at Sunday, March 29, 2009 Service.
A Collection of Labyrinth Resources
This bundled collection of resources about the labyrinth includes background material, varied approaches, scripture meditations, reasons churches might want to have a labyrinth, Stations of the Cross meditations, and more.
Rural Prayer Petitions
Rural Prayer Petitions for each month of the year.
Preparing the Manger
An Advent Observance in two parts, written by Jons Olsson, 12/95; updated 12/96. Part 1: 4th Sunday in Advent; done between the Epistle and Gospel Lessons. Part 2: Christmas Eve; Candlelight Service; done after the closing hymn Silent Night, Holy Night sung while candles are lighted. Church lights remain off/dimmed; candlelight prevails.
Hanging of the Greens
This prayer can be used when doing the Hanging of the Greens.
Prayer Cards
The H3 (Holy, Happy & Healthy) Group at Immanuel received business-card sized laminated cards with different topics to pray about. Some members keep them at home and use them as devotion flash cards - flipping through the cards and saying a short prayer about each topic. Other members have them in their car and use them for prayer topics while driving.
A Hunter's Prayer
Use this prayer for those who are about to go hunting.
Bridal Prayer Shawl
This resource came from the Prayer Shawl Ministry directed by Bette Shellhorn. I found myself knitting a prayer shawl for my brother who was involved in a serious motorcycle accident. A month later I was knitting one for my mother who had a heart attack. I found the knitting experience to be very rewarding spiritually and emotionally in those troubled times.
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