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Tag: sermons
Contributions First Person Passion Narratives - St. Mark Four first person stories/narratives according to St. Mark. Characters include: Woman who anointed Jesus, Peter, Pilate & Centurion The Passion Story from the Gospel of Mark Narrator: It was two days before the celebration of the Feast of the Passover in the city of Jerusalem. Jesus had been in the city with his disciples for some time. He openly spoke about the fact that he would have to suffer and die to save people from their sins. He also challenged the religious authorities by condemning their self-righteous attitudes. So the Chief Priest and religious leaders met to form a plan. The Passion Story According to St. Matthew NARRATOR: The mood of the people in the city of Jerusalem was one of celebration and excitement. It was the week of the Feast of the Passover, a Holy day that reminded all of Israel of the time when God saved them from slavery in Egypt. The Passion Narrative of St. Luke NARRATOR: It was a time of celebration in the city of Jerusalem. Thousands of pilgrims from across the world were gathering for the annual Feast of the Passover. This great feast remembered how God saved the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. It was a time to remember how God's promise to be with his people always was alive and well. Christmas Sermon: Those who are willing I can't help but wonder ... what Mary wondered, As she sat in that barn while those angels thundered, Their message of hope and of peace and good will. In the midst of a night that was otherwise still. I can't help but think, "What went through her mind?" Did she search through her heart trying to find, The faith that she needed to believe it was true? Could it really be that God would do, Sermons: I Was There! Good morning, my friends! My name is John. And I know that it’s early, but stifle the yawn! I’ve a story to tell, you won’t hardly believe! A story so great! And I won't deceive. I want you to know about all that he did, How in Jesus the fullness of God was hid; How in Jesus God's grace and undying love, Came into our world and came from above. Darkness at Noon What is the good news according to Mark? Think about that question as we look at a quick summary of what happened to Jesus according to Mark. One-third of his entire Gospel is about Jesus' last five days of life! One-sixth focuses on his last 24 hours alive! The cross dominates the entire book. Listen as I quickly summarize what Jesus experienced on his way to that cross. Children's Church "Sermon" on Caring for Creation Sunday (Ages 3-6 or 7). (Using wide gestures, big facial gestures, exageration in voices. About 4-5 minutes.) Who Needs God? Enclosed you will find a copy of the Youth Sunday Worship service held at Calvary, Concord. I am sending for the files a copy of the bulletin, the script (Who Needs God), and a list of needed resources. Youth Plead Their Case - Youth Sunday Drama This past week at L-RC there was a special spiritual awareness week. And among the guests and speakers that were present was a man who may be known to you through the Lutheran, Walter Wangerin Jr. And just this morning I was looking over the Lutheran, since I did not have to prepare as long a sermon as I generally do, and was looking at Walter's article there and I saw some things that were very pertinent related to the message today. |