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How to use this site
Feel free to use these resources in your local congregation, providing you are not using them to sell for monetary gain. It is always polite to cite the original author of the resource on any reproduction. Let people know you found the resource at http://elca.feautor.org

Note: For an overview , click to view a 7-minute video tutorial on how to use this site.

Tips for site visitors:

  1. Highlighted Contributions on the site home page are resources that many other visitors to the site have looked at.
  2. Click the More contributions + link at the bottom of the home page to browse all resources in this group, ordered with most recent first.
  3. On any page you can enter search terms or phrases to find a resource of interest. If you want to limit your results to resources associated with a specific phrase, include those words in double quotes. For example, "faith formation" includes fewer results than the two words: faith formation. Use the links on the left of the search results page to narrow your results.
  4. You may click on the name of the author(s) to see other resources contributed by that person or organization.
  5. Click on the file size link (below the file type icon) once you have drilled down to the detailed view of the resource record. Either open or download the resource as you choose. It's usually best to Save the resource on your hard disk before viewing, then you can see it in the appropriate application for that file type. If you Open the resource from the link, that is more of a "preview" of the resource in your browser.
  6. Explore similar resources by clicking on the "tags" at the bottom of the resource record.
  7. Use the "share with your friends" options on the left side of the resource record to send a direct link to the resource to them.
  8. Insert the RSS feed from this site into your own Web pages or as a widget on your computer desktop to know when new resources are loaded into the ELCA collection. You can also find RSS feed links on any results page. For example, this feed searches for resources that have to do with preaching and worship.
  9. Send questions, or suggestions for making the site better to info@elca.org.
  10. Register as a user to:
  • Write a review after you've tried a resource, telling what worked and what didn't work for you.
  • Add more "tags" to a resource so that you and others can find it more easily.
  • Upload resources you've created and want to share.
  • Contribute a translation of a resource already posted on the site.


Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.